
More to come

This is my very belated first post of the year
excuse its tardiness
I've been losing my mind.

i'm okay now

here you go


some cool stuff iv drawn, found and done.

So iv been up to absolutely nothing since you last heard from me, just going to party's and not sleeping (the first picture is an apt combination of the two).
buuuut i have been a little productive i promise i did a likkle drawing (second picture)
annnd i found these sweet pictures from the family album, the first is my dad in his 20's i think (its good to know he didn't always look like a bald rapist, gives me some hope i wont go crazy to soon) and the second picture is of me and my nan who passed away a few months ago, it was hard to find but i love the photo and its pretty much the perfect keepsake i could have come across, but yeaaah post over see you sooon.




Satan's goat

Just a small post (: this is the latest little (well pretty big) sketch iv been working on. its not nearly finished and i want to scan it in properly at some point but i like the way its going. it feels good to finally be sketching again and back in my own way it feels like iv been stuck in such a rut ever since my Nan's death and it was stopping me from doing my work, but i finally feel a bit easier about things, it probably has something to do with me passing my driving test, it just means i have one less thing to worry about  i can come and go from my village as much as i want, and i think losing that extra bit of worry has let me really unwind a bit. so i present to you Satan goat.

ohhh and i'm hoping to start up a little web comic of sorts that i can do every week or two weeks or something , itll be posted on here i just wanted to give myself a little challenge to complete every week and this is one of them so keep your eyes peeled



angry sketch

i call this one "kill people,burn shit and fuck originality" as soon as my scanners working this bad boy is getting a nice makeover. full of sarcasm at the moment.

more stuff that i gon bought

Like i said here's the rest of the stuff i bought while in the U S of A

As well as this one i have a grey and purple one, i bought them to replace the old vans top of the same design my dad handed down to me years ago (:

I really like the whole salt and pepper texture thing everyone's doing at the moment
iv always wanted one of theses volcom shirts.

This is my favorite t shirt out of all of them its the second obey t shirt i bought and it freakin kicks ass

Aside from the obey t shirt this is my other favorite, its got the same salt and pepper color thing going on 
and anything zoo York does is awesome.

Sadly my Hives bag was getting a bit ruined from all the stupid shit iv subjected it to
so here's my beautiful new denim american apparel bag

Original black are more famous for there designs which have the heavily tattooed and half naked girl illustrations i was going to get one but then i saw this.
who doesn't want to wear a picture of a chimp in a snapback.

Just a little sketch i did at 30,000ft i quite like it. i might do something with it later

And finally one of the things i got most excited about was finding one of these bad boys 
im not sure if ill sketch in it but im defiantly gonna do something with it.


holiday USA

well i'm back and after having my body clock royaly screwed iv just about started feeling back to normal so i thought id take the time to upload the things i did and the stuff i bought. unfortunately i wasn't struck with the vigor to make a post before id decided to put all my new clothes in the wash to get rid of the suitcase smell so there's only a few pictures of my clothes for now, but there's plenty of other stuff  so sit back and relax:

 Technically this was taken just before we went on holiday but i'm not going to
get the chance to use it anytime soon so its going in here.

 Butterbeer Bitches

 When going over my girlfriends camera for pictures of the holiday to use in this
post it became clear to me that she's a bit obsessed with me there's more pictures
of my face than Disneyland.

 apparently this is where dreams come true. which is kinda true because i always dream of spending $15 on a coke and watching distraught kids being dragged around by there wrists.

 This is the sole reason that at the age of 18 i am literally petrified of lifts.
fuck you walt.
you dick.

 This is just before we went on  splash mountain, it was fun until i realized how creepy the robot animals were.

 tognorts the magic castle where you go on adventures with timmy potner number one magic man!

 One of the two obey t shirts i bought. 
i freakin love it.

 these are my new babies 

My sexy new Hurley snapback my Christmas present from the girlfriend.

i couldn't help myself i had to indulge in buying some classic comics, iv got a good collection going.
did i honestly just type those words?
how do i have a girlfriend 
also this is my dog Freddy.